SAS au capital de 25 799 500€
Siège social : Bâtiment Miami 40 rue d'Arcueil 94150 Rungis
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C+2B Architecture.
Patrick Raffin, © Ecliptique / Laurent Thion www.patrick-raffin.book.fr
Fotolia, Adobe Stock, Istock, Guetty image, Freepick
The ambition of Icone Arena is to inscribe a new, strong and iconic architectural object in the heart of the Toulouse urban area, based on an original programme.
Innovation and Entertainment are at the heart of the project. A project that brings together the actors of sport and interactive and digital leisure in order to offer visitors a unique experience. An Arena esport, a new and modular room, will be the ideal place to host all types of events. In addition to being an attractive location, Icone Arena will also offer a coliving area, a unique accommodation solution, halfway between hotels and shared accommodation.
All audiences, young people, families, professionals... are concerned by this program and will be able to discover, practice, train or entertain themselves in a creative, fun and unifying environment.
Icone Arena is a driving force behind the visibility of the sport and a tremendous opportunity for economic and tourist development for the Toulouse Metropolis and could thus be fully integrated into the framework of the 2024 Olympic Games.
Icone Arena contributes to the development of the Hers metropolitan park, a major leisure and sports valley at the entrance to the city, by expanding existing leisure areas and creating a pool of pleasant living facilities and an ecological corridor through the urban area.
Dessine-moi Toulouse aims to accelerate the transformation of the metropolis by mobilizing innovative companies and young talents to bring out new practices.
The enhancement of heritage, the artistic and architectural dimension, the affirmation of the identity of the territory, the support for the energy transition and the development of nature in the city are some of the main objectives selected for this call for projects.
Icone Arena, winner of Dessine-moi Toulouse. Tisséo Collectivités website - Multimodal exchange centre Argoulets
Building a public space on the edge between a large square and large landscaped areas. It is with this in mind that we have planned a real archipelago of plant islands between the central square and the Hers park. The main square itself is designed as a vast circular space that allows festive and recreational events to be held. It is here that we called upon a visual artist, Sophie Balas, to build a graphic work on the ground that resonates with the building's facades.
The crossing of the parking relay will be colourful and interactive through a play of colours on the ground and the urban furniture arranged. The journey will be an experience in itself with spaces for games, encounters and relaxation.
On either side of the crossing, local shops will be set up within evolving structures.
A soft and complete micro-mobility offer will be available to users (electric scooters, bicycles, electric scooters...). Electric cars will also be available for car-sharing.
Connected mailboxes will be set up to collect packages and mail allowing 24/7 deliveries. The project is designed to be used to develop solidarity practices within the building and for metro users.
With more than a century of experience, GCC is one of the French leaders in Construction, Energy and Real Estate Development activities
Stakrn is a French company, based in Montpellier and Manchester, dedicated to the economic development of sport (or electronic sport). Co-founded and chaired by Boris Bergerot, Stakrn is one of the main players in the esport business, offering the following B2B services in particular:
Stakrn is involved in numerous projects in France and abroad and has one of the largest professional networks in the sport, with more than 50,000 professionals in contact via the main Linkedin groups dedicated to video games and electronic sports. With consultants and strategic partners on all continents, Stakrn is able to respond to any project related to the sport.
C+2B Architecture is an agency born in 2018 from the merger of SCP Branger & Romeu with SARL c+b architec- ture. Julien Coutineau and Julien Bellart, the latter's founding architects, joined Claude Branger to form a single entity, combining renewal with experience.
Based in Toulouse, the agency is made up of 7 people. 4 employees are present around the 3 associate architects. The agency's work is in line with Claude Branger's expertise but is developing a new approach thanks to the contribution of the new partners and the rest of the young and dynamic team. C+2B Architecture strives to place environmental requirements at the centre of discussions in order to integrate environmental objectives as a transversal issue to provide a coherent global response to all its projects.
Beyond the pilot operations, spectacular renovations of old centres and the implementation of eco-neighbourhoods designed to solve all the city's problems, it is essential to think of the city as a daily reality. It is necessary to invent strategies to support the movement rather than limiting oneself to planned, heavy and sometimes inappropriate operations.,
The city is first and foremost what we make of it. All our daily actions, all public policies (from school management to culture and sport) contribute to making the city of tomorrow. In our opinion, it is essential to move from a policy of public spaces to a policy of public spaces. The singular public space is, beyond urban development, the question of living and acting together that is raised. It is this objective, of a liveable city, much more than the application of technical recipes redesigned in line with environmental fashion, that can give us hope for a sustainable city.
Centre dedicated to automotive simulation, Open Score offers a variety of activities based on visitor profiles and offers a unique experience combining real cars, state-of-the-art simulation devices and competitions.
The DING group is dedicated to the world of sports and offers several distinct but complementary services: Ding Studio (content creation sites), Ding Production (media activity for brands) and Ding Esports (electronic sports development activity)
This is an catering and cocktail parties establishment, hosted and animated by a leader strongly involved in the gaming community. All menus and the dishes are homemade (burgers, sandwiches, salads with products of French and EU origin depending on arrival)
PowerHouseGaming is a school that trains its students for sporting professions. The training provided is both pre- and post-baccalaureate and concerns an audience with a strong interest in video games and their practices, their challenges, as well as having an appetite for new technologies.
Gear Prod is a development studio from Montpellier that designs immersive and innovative experiences in France and abroad. Game design, industrial design, artificial intelligence... We combine our know-how to create fun experiences in a virtual environment where physical interaction and collaboration are at the heart of gaming mechanisms.
The Mindefit company offers a centre of mental and physical performance dedicated to professional sports players, top athletes, company managers and executives and students of higher education. With a unique and innovative concept, the performance centre is divided into several parts: Mental preparation, SPA/relaxation and Sport and Health Preparation
Drone Interactive, by INTENT, develops the first multiplayer leisure experience that combine drone piloting with augmented reality. Thanks to pilot assistance functionalities, virtual flight space, contactless collisions and real-virtual interactions, UAV control becomes intuitive, fun and safe (for players and equipment).
Designing and marketing equipment adapted to people with reduced mobility (PMR) to practice video games
UPSIDE VR is an indoor leisure park dedicated to virtual reality. Customers can push the boundaries of reality by living new experiences in a place where dreams become reality. Four universes are provided so that everyone can be immersed, as far as possible, in their very own experience.
The experience developed by Bigger Inside for out-of-home recreation is a real life competitive game, in which players, equipped with sensors and RV helmets, confront each other by moving naturally through a physical labyrinth, whose limits and obstacles are merged with their fanciful virtual representation.
Stakrn is one of the main leaders in the Esport industry. A French company based in England, the United States and South Africa, Stakrn provides entrepreneurs from its Esport startup incubator with a network of skills, knowledge and investors to help them grow.